세미나 개최안내 (3월 8일 목요일, 연세대 김철구 교수)


녹색교통대학원에서 2012학년도 봄학기 세미나를 아래와 같이 개최하오니 관심있는 교수님 및 학생들께서는 많은 참석부탁드립니다.

= 아 래 =

ㅁ 제목: Acoustic Metamaterials and Reversal of Sound

ㅁ 연사: 김철구 교수(연세대 교수)

ㅁ 일시: 2012년 3월 8일(목) 16시 30분~ 18:00

ㅁ장소: 조천식녹색교통대학원(N7-5) 308호



The Cho Chun Shik Graduate School for Green Transportation holds a seminar on March 8th (Thur), 2012.

Title: Acoustic Metamaterials and Reversal of Sound

Speaker: Professor Chul Koo Kim (Yonsei University)

Date: March 8th (Thur), 2012, 16:30 ~ 18:00

Location: N7-5 #308


After reviewing the history and principles of metamaterials briefly, we present detailed properties of acoustic metamaterials and the fabrication methods.

Applications of acoustic metamaterials including acoustic cloaking, superlensing and extraordinary acoustic transmission will be also presented.

Students, who are interested in the field, are strongly encouraged to participate in the seminar ^^