조천식녹색교통대학원(3월 23일 수요일, 최성임교수)




2011학년도 봄학기 조천식녹색교통대학원 정기세미나가 3월 23일 수요일 16:30부터 18:00까지




아래일정과 같이 조천식녹색교통대학원(N7-5) 308호 강의실에서 개최될 예정입니다.


교수님과 학생들의 많은 관심과 참석을 부탁드리겠습니다.




                                      =  아       래  =






1. 일 시 : 2011. 3. 23 (수), 16:30~18:00




2. 장 소 : 조천식녹색교통대학원(N7-5) 308호 강의실




3. 연 사 : 최성임교수 (기계항공시스템학부 항공우주공학전공) 




4. 제 목 : An Air Traffic Management Framework for Efficient Scheduling and Routing

5. Abstract :





This seminar introduces a brief overview of Next Generation of Air Transportation System (NextGen) Program and related operational concepts that enhance the airspace capacity to accommodate doubled or tripled air traffic flows by 2025. As a first step to realize NextGen operational concepts in real-time environment, it is important to create off-line simulation framework that integrates the aircraft vehicle systems, flight procedures and trajectories, airspace configuration, and safety assurance. Although such simulation tools as CTAS or FACET that are currently used in NASA and FAA are good examples that have higher level of accuracy and simulation details, it is also possible to create simulation framework with lower-fidelity but with working functionality. This talk will show how those simulation tools can be designed in the school laboratories and focus on what elements should be added to be developed to reflect the state-of-the-art NextGen operational concepts.







6. Career highlights:






·        B.S and M.S, 1996 and 1998,  Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University



·         Ph.D 2005, 2005, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University



·         Research Associate, 2006~2009, U.S. Army Aeroflightdynamics Directorate (AFDD), CA, U.S.



·         Research Scientist, 2009~2010, NASA Ames Research Center, CA, U.S.