2022 봄 GT 세미나

3.3(목) 16:00 – 김의환 교수(GIST AI대학원)


■ 제목: AI for Intelligent Systems to Make Human Lives Better

■ 연사: 김의환 교수(GIST AI대학원)

■ 일시: 3.3(목) 16:00

■ URL: https://kaist.zoom.us/j/87025376142?pwd=WC9NSmM4TTMrazRWV3Q3Qi9pSnVtUT09 

■ 요약: Artificial intelligence (AI), multimedia and robotics substantially benefit from the advances of Information & Communication Technology (ICT). ICT provides massive connectivity and access to computational resources anywhere. These technologies will dramatically transform human lives with cool applications such as virtual reality(VR), autonomous vehicles and service robots. To design AI-equipped intelligent systems that make human lives better, we focus on three aspects of these technologies: interaction design, 3D computer vision and service robots. First, effective interactions allow intelligent systems to recognize
human intentions and proper services to provide. We design effective text-entry systems for intelligent systems to better capture human messages. Next, 3D computer vision lets intelligent systems understand the surrounding environments. This process plays a vital role in implementing the inferred services for humans. Third, service robots actually provide tangible services to humans. We design learning algorithms for service robots to learn human behaviors and infer proper services for humans.