바후미투마더 박사과정 Journal of Mechanical Design Editors’ Choice Award 수상


조천식녹색교통대학원 바후미투마더 (Toumadher Barhoumi) 박사과정 학생 (지도교수: 금동석 교수님)이 “Automatic Enumeration of Feasible Kinematic Diagrams for Split Hybrid Configurations With a Single Planetary Gear”라는 제목의 논문으로 Honorable Mention of the 2017 Journal of Mechanical Design Editors’ Choice Award을 수상했습니다.

이 상은 2017년에 게재된 모든 Journal of Mechanical Design 논문 중에서 선정되었으며, 이 상을 선정하는 과정에 대한 자세한 설명은 “http://www.asmejmd.org/editorials/announcing-jmds-annual-best-paper-award-guidelines” 에서 확인할 수 있습니다.



Toumadher Barhoumi from Professor Dongsuk Kum’s laboratory of The Cho Chun Shik Graduate School of Green Transportation won the Honorable Mention of the 2017 Journal of Mechanical Design Editors’ Choice Award for their paper entitled “Automatic Enumeration of Feasible Kinematic Diagrams for Split Hybrid Configurations with a Single Planetary Gear”.

This paper was selected among all the Journal of Mechanical Design published in 2017. The following website has a detailed description of the nomination and selection process of this award:  http://www.asmejmd.org/editorials/announcing-jmds-annual-best-paper-award-guidelines.



