2025 봄 MO 세미나

3/6(목) 16:00 – 17:30 최선경 교수님 (동경과학대학교)


1. 연사: 최선경 교수님 (동경과학대학교)
2. 주제: 교통 밑 관광 연구 기반 포용적 재난 관리: 일본 사례 분석
3. 일시: 3/6 (목요일), 오후 4시~5시 30분
4. 장소: L409호
* Abstract:
As natural disasters and extreme weather events increase, effective disaster management is crucial, particularly in Japan. This presentation examines Japan’s disaster management framework, focusing on the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, with an emphasis on airport operations during crises. It explores inclusive disaster management, addressing the protection of vulnerable populations such as international tourists and foreign residents. The role of tourism crisis management, including evacuation simulations and the impact of soft countermeasures and policies, is discussed. A case study on the evacuation behavior of foreign residents during the 2024 Noto earthquake, supported by interviews and surveys, highlights challenges faced by non-Japanese residents. The presentation concludes with implications for improving disaster response and the importance of inclusive, sustainable, resilient strategies to safeguard all populations.