[KAIST EEWS 학생 아이디어 축제 2014 개최]학부생 및 대학원생 여러분,
KAIST KAIST EEWS 연구센터에서는인류의지속성장을위해극복해야할에너지(Energy)부족, 환경(Environment)오염,
물(Water)부족및지속가능한성장(Sustainability) 문제와캠퍼스환경보전및에너지절약등녹색캠퍼스에 대한
관심을 제고하고 창의적아이디어발굴을위하여아래와같이EEWS 학생아이디어축제를개최하오니학생
□ 공모 주제
가. 녹색기술및녹색사업관련아이디어* EEWS 관련 기술 연구 및 응용에 관한 창의적인 아이디어 * 녹색기술및산업동향문헌조사및미래연구에대한아이디어
* 녹색산업 동향 조사 및 녹색 사업 아이디어 * 녹색사업 기획 및 사례개발
나. 녹색캠퍼스기반조성아이디어
* 캠퍼스환경보전과에너지절약 등 녹색캠퍼스확산및 녹색캠퍼스 기반조성을위한아이디어 ※주제발굴참고자료: 맑고푸른나라설계[이재규 외 편저, 머니플러스]
□ 참가 자격
* KAIST 재학생 (학부생 및 대학원생) – 개인, 동아리혹은팀을구성하여참가 □ 시상 내역
* KAIST 총장명의의 상장 및 상금
* 시상내역
□ 참가 신청
* 참가의향서마감: 2014.5.30.(금) [3쪽 내외]
* 제안서제출마감: 2014.8.29.(금)[10쪽 내외]
* 최종보고서제출: 2014.10.31.(금)[10~20쪽]
□ 제출방법 및 문의처
* 문의처: KAIST EEWS 연구센터(02-958-3052, 조윤정)
※ 자세한 사항은 EEWS 연구센터 홈페이지를 참조해 주시기 바랍니다.
홈페이지 연결을 원하시면 여기를 클릭하세요!
[KAIST EEWS Student Idea Festival 2014]
The EEWS Research Center has launched the EEWS Student Idea Festival since 2011 to stimu-
late the interest in green technologies and gree business among KAIST students and to encourage
creative research on the green subjects. Ideas for the green campus are encouraged to submit
to activate the campus environmental protection and energy conservation. We look forward to
your active participation!
□ Theme
A. Green Technology and Green Business * Creative ideas on the EEWS-related green technology research and applications * Ideas on literature survey of a trend of a specific green technology and future researches
* Ideas on trend surveys of specific green technologies and green businesses
* Green business planning and green case development
B. Green Campus
* Creative ideas for the green campus to activate energy conservation
* Ideas on campus environmental protection
* Ideas on green campus culture promotion, etc.
□ Eligibility
* KAIST graduate and undergraduate students (Individual or Team) □ Awards
* KAIST Presidential Prize
※ The number of winning team might vary depending on the revewing result.
□ Registration & Contact
* Letter of Intention(about 3 pages): due on May 30, 2014 by E-mail (yj.cho@kaist.ac.kr)
* Proposal(about 10 pages): due on Aug. 29, 2014
* Fianl report submission(10 ~ 20 pages): Oct. 31, 2014
* Contact : KAIST EEWS Research Center
(02-958-3052, Yoon-Jung Cho, yj.cho@kaist.ac.kr)
※ Please visit EEWS Research Center Homepage for more detail. Click here.