(IFEV 2014) 개최 안내 /2014 International Forum on Eco-friendly Vehicle and System, March 12(Wed)




한국철도연구원 & 한국교통연구원 & KAIST 조천식녹색교통대학원 공동 주최,


2014 International Forum on Eco-friendly Vehicle and System(IFEV 2014) 행사를 개최하오니 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.




                                                                        = 아 래 =




○ 행 사 명: 2014 International Forum on Eco-friendly Vehicle and System (IFEV 2014)


○ 일     시: 2014년 3월 12일(수) 오후 2시


○ 장     소: 서울 COEX Grand Conference Room


○ 주     최: 한국철도기술연구원(KRRI) & 한국교통연구원(KOTI) & KAIST 조천식녹색교통대학원


○ 행사 세부 일정은 첨부된 초청장에서 확인 가능하며, 연사분들의 사정에 따라 프로그램이 일부 변경될 수 있습니다.




– 관련 문의: KAIST 조천식녹색교통대학원 행정실 안인경 (Email. inkkong@kaist.ac.kr Tel. 042-350-1252)


– 첨부: IFEV 2014 초청장 1부






[KRRI & KOTI & GSGT KAIST] IFEV 2014 (2014 International Forum on Eco-friendly Vehicle and System) Open (March 12(Wed))




The IFEV 2014 will be held on March 12(Wed) at COEX in Soeul, Korea. This forum is hosted by KRRI & KOTI & GSGT KAIST.


We are looking forward to welcoming you at the 2014 International Forum on Eco-friendly Vehicle and System.




ㅁ Title: 2014 International Forum on Eco-friendly Vehicle and System (IFEV 2014)


ㅁ Date: March 12(Wed), 2014


ㅁ Location: COEX Grand Conference Room, Seoul, Korea


ㅁ Contact


    – In-kyoung An Email. ifev@kaist.ac.kr / Tel. +82-42-350-1252 / Fax. +82-42-350-1250




* For more information, Please refer to the attached invitation,

  Detailed program is subject to change without prior notice.