2018 Student of the Semester


Student of the Semester: 김정진 박사, 황가람 박사



                                 <좌: 김정진 박사, 우: 김경수 원장>                                                            <황가람 박사>


조천식녹색교통대학원에서는 학생들의 연구 의욕 고취를 위해 매 해 뛰어난 연구 업적을 쌓은 학생에게 최우수연구상을 수여하고 있으며, 2018학년도 최우수연구상에는 김정진 박사(지도교수 장인권), 황가람 박사(지도교수 안승영)가 선정되었다.


황가람 박사는 무선전력전송을 응용한 전기자동차의 자율주행 기술 개발 및 연구를 하였고, 김정진 박사는 기존 방법들과 개념이 상이한 최적설계 기반의 의료 영상 처리법을 연구하고 있으며, 최초로 생체 내 골 미세구조 고해상도 영상의 재구성법을 개발하였다.


1. 김정진 박사 국제학술지 게재 논문

     [1] Jung Jin Kim, Youkung Kim and In Gwun Jang, “Estimation of Local Bone Loads for the Volume of Interest”,

          Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Jul. 2016.

     [2] Jung Jin Kim and In Gwun Jang, “Image resolution enhancement for healthy wight-bearing bones based on topology

          optimization”, Journal of Biomechanics, Sep. 2016.

     [3] Jung Jin Kim, Jimin Nam and In Gwun Jang, “Fully automated segmentation of a hip joint using the patient-specific optimal

          thresholding and watershed algorithm”, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Nov. 2017.

     [4] Jung Jin Kim, Jimin Nam and In Gwun Jang, “Computational study of estimating 3D trabecular bone microstructure for

          volume of interest from CT scan data”, International Journal of numerical method in biomedical engineering, Nov. 2017.


2. 황가람 박사 국제학술지 게재 논문

     [1] Karam Hwang, Dongwook Kim, Dongsoo Har and Seungyoung Ahn, “Pickup Coil Counter for Detecting the Presence of

          Trains Operated by Wireless Power Transfer”, IEEE Sensors Journal, Nov. 2017.

     [2] Karam Hwang, Jaeyong Cho, Dongwook Kim, Jaehyoung Park, Jong Hwa Kwon, Sang Il Kwak, Hyun Ho Park and

          Seungyoung Ahn, “An Autonomous Coil Alignment System for the Dynamic Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles to

          Minimize Lateral Misalignment”, Energies, Mar. 2017.

     [3] Karam Hwang, Jaeyong Cho, Jaehyoung Park, Dongsoo Har and Seungyoung Ahn, “Ferrite Position Identification

          System Operating with Wireless Power Transfer for Intelligent Train Position Detection”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent

          Transportation System, Jan. 2018.

     [4] Kibeom Kim, Karm Hwang and Seungyoung Ahn, “An improved 100 GHz Equivalent Circuit Model of a Through Silicon

          Via with Substrate Current Loop”, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, May 2016.

     [5] Dongwook Kim, Karam Hwang, Jaehyoung Park, Hyun Ho Park and Seungyoung Ahn, “High Efficiency Wireless Power

          and Force Transfer for a Micro-Robot Using a Multiaxis AC/DC Magnetic Coil”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Feb. 2017.