2023 Spring MO Seminar

5.4(Thu) 16:00 – Prof. Sang-in Park (Department of Mechatronics, Incheon National University)


■ Title: Implicit CAD system for Design for Additive manufacturing
■ Speaker: Prof. Sang-in Park(Department of Mechatronics, Incheon National University)
■ Date: 2023.5.4(Thu) 16:00-17:30
■ Abstract: Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM) is a design methodology that leverages the key advantage of additive manufacturing – the ability to implement complexity – to improve product performance. DfAM incorporates various information such as shape, material, and process to optimize design. While current commercial CAD systems can be used to support this process, CAD systems based on parametric surface modeling and 3D modeling require significant computational resources for boundary surface modeling, making it difficult to handle internal information within the boundary surface, which is a crucial design area for DfAM. To address this issue, CAD systems based on implicit modeling techniques have been developed and applied to product development. This seminar introduces CAD systems based on Implicit Modeling techniques and presents research on their application to DfAM.