Announcement of Professor Yoon Koo Lee’s New Appointment



As of March 1, Dr. Yoon Koo Lee has been appointed as an associate  professor in our department.

Congratulation on your appointment and welcome to our department!

Yoon Koo Lee, PhD

Assistant Professor

PhD in Mechanical Engineering,  University of Michigan, 2015
MSc in Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, 2010
BSc in Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University, 2009

Research Interest
•Design, optimize, and develop safe and high-performance energy mobility systems
•Multi-scale, multi-physics battery research from an electrode, cell, module, and pack to systemlevel using both experimental and simulation techniques.
◦Cell characterization, material analysis, cell design, and cell production.
◦A physics-based electrochemical/mechanical/thermal/degradation model development
◦Atomistic simulations using first principle calculations
◦Optimization of the battery cell, module/pack, and system performance
◦Module and pack system design and development with safety features
◦Electric vehicle conversion from ICE (internal combustion engine) by removing engine parts