Inhi Kim 

Full-time FacultyResearch Field > Intelligent Mobility TechnologyResearch Field > Sustainable Mobility Technology






Research Interest

– Traffic Planning/Operation
– Digital Twin
– Traffic Simulation
– Metaverse


PhD 2014, The University of Queensland
MS 2007, Kongju National University
BS 2005, Kongju National University


Jan. 2022 – Present Cho Chun Shik Graduate School of Mobility, KAIST Job title: Associate professor

Sep. 2020 – Present Dept. of Civil Engineering, Monash University, Australia Job title: Adjunct Senior Lecturer

Sep. 2020 – Dec. 2022 Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Kongju National University, Korea Job title: Associate professor

Jan. 2019 – Aug. 2020 Dept. of Civil Engineering, Monash University, Australia Job Title: Senior Lecturer (Associate professor)

Sep. 2019 – Feb. 2020 Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, KAIST Job Title: Invited Professor through Brain Pool Program by Prof. Hwasoo Yeo sponsored by NRF

Jan. 2015 – Dec. 2018 Dept. of Civil Engineering, Monash University, Australia Job Title: Lecturer (Assistant professor)

Aug. 2007-Jan. 2012 PTV Group, Karlsruhe, Germany Job Title: Transportation Engineer&Planner; Software Developer


Dr. Kim received his Ph.D. from the Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, Australia, in 2014. He joined the Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia as a lecturer (Assistant professor) in 2015 and a senior lecturer (Associate professor) in 2019. Dr. Kim moved back to his own country and had a new position as an associate professor at Kongju National University in 2019. Inhi finally settled at Cho Chun Shik Graduate School, KAIST, in 2023.

Before joining academia, Inhi worked in the German transport software company PTV Group as a transport engineer and planner. He gained 5-year experience whilst based in Australia, Singapore, Germany, the United Arab Emirates, and Korea. He was closely involved with transport and traffic planning and modeling, evaluation, and performance measurement of transport programs and projects as a practitioner, researcher, and trainer.

Dr. Kim has particular interests and skills in the areas of deep learning, visualization, demand forecasting, strategic planning, traffic signal operation, public transportation planning, safety in conjunction with the integration of traffic simulation and driving simulator, and evaluation of connected cars in safety and efficiency.


Articles in SCI Journals

  • 1. Oh, T., Xu, Y., Li, Z., & Kim, I. (2022). Driving Risk Analysis Based on Driving Experience at Hook-Turn Intersection Using the Emerging Virtual Reality Technology. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2022, 8929826. doi:10.1155/2022/89298262. Jiang, W., Zheng, N., & Kim, I. (2022)
  • 2. Missing data imputation for transfer passenger flow identified from in-station WiFi systems. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 1-18. doi:10.1080/21680566.2022.2064935. IF:3.0303. Xu, L., Oh, T., Kim, I., & Hu, X. (2022)
  • 3. Are shared streets acceptable to pedestrians and drivers? Evidence from Virtual Reality experiments Plos One, In Press. IF:3.2404. Jeong, H., Kim, I., Han, K., & Kim, J. (2022)
  • 4. Comprehensive Analysis of Traffic Accidents in Seoul: Major Factors and Types Affecting Injury Severity. Applied Sciences, 12(4), 1790. IF: 2.6795. Wu, C., Chung, H., Liu, Z., & Kim, I. (2021)
  • 5. Examining the effects of the built environment on topological properties of the bike-sharing network in Suzhou, China. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 15(5), 338-350., IF:3.9296. Haghani, M., Bliemer, M. C. J., Farooq, B., Kim, I., Li, Z., Oh, C., . . . MacDougall, H. (2021)
  • 6. Applications of brain imaging methods in driving behaviour research. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 154. https://dor.ogr/10.1016/j.aap.2021.106093, IF:4.9937. Wu, C., Kim, I., & Chung, H. (2021)
  • 7. The effects of built environment spatial variation on bike-sharing usage: A case study of Suzhou, China. Cities, 110. https://dor.ogr/10.1016/j.cities.2020.103063, IF:5.8358. Wang, B., Shaaban, K., & Kim, I. (2021)
  • 8. Revealing the hidden features in traffic prediction via entity embedding. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 25(1), 21-31.https://dor.ogr/10.1007/s00779-019-01333-x, IF:3.0069. Wang, B., Vu, H. L., Kim, I., & Cai, C. (2021)
  • 9. Short-term traffic flow prediction in bike-sharing networks. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning,Inhi Kim Page 11 of 14 and Operations. https://dor.ogr/10.1080/15472450.2021.1904921, IF:4.27710. Gu, T., Kim, I., & Currie, G. (2021)
  • 10. The two-wheeled renaissance in China—an empirical review of bicycle, E-bike, and motorbike development. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 15(4), 239-258. https://dor.ogr/10.1080/15568318.2020.1737277, IF:3.929
  • 11. Shaaban, K., Gharraie, I., Sacchi, E., & Kim, I. (2021). Severity analysis of red-light-running-related crashes using structural equation modeling. Journal of TransportationSafety and Security, 13(3), 278-297. https://dor.ogr/10.1080/19439962.2019.1629137,IF:3.000
  • 12. Haghani, M., Bliemer, M. C. J., Farooq, B., Kim, I., Li, Z., Oh, C., . . . MacDougall, H. (2021). Applications of brain imaging methods in driving behaviour research. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 154, 106093. IF:4.993
  • 13. Wu, C., Kim, I., & Chung, H. (2021). The effects of built environment spatial variation on bike-sharing usage: A case study of Suzhou, China. Cities, 110, 103063, IF:5.835
  • 14. Shaaban, K., Shakeel, K., Rashidi, T. H., & Kim, I. (2021). Measuring users’ satisfaction of the road network using structural equation modeling. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. https://dor.ogr/10.1080/15568318.2021.1934916 , IF:3.929
  • 15. Zhu, S., Kim, I., & Choi, K. (2020). High-resolution simulation-based analysis of leading vehicle acceleration profiles at signalized intersections for emission modeling. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 1-11. https://dor.ogr/10.1080/15568318.2020.1792011 IF:3.929
  • 16. Wu, C., & Kim, I. (2020). Analyzing the structural properties of bike-sharing networks:Evidence from the United States, Canada, and China. Transportation Research Part A:Policy and Practice, 140, 52-71. IF:5.594
  • 17. Chen, X., Liu, Z., & Kim, I. (2020). A parallel computing framework for solving user equilibrium problem on computer clusters. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 16(3),550-573. https://dor.ogr/10.1080/23249935.2020.1720041, IF:3.496
  • 18. Wu, C., Chung, H., Liu, Z., & Kim, I. (2020). Examining the effects of the built environment on topological properties of the bike-sharing network in Suzhou, China.International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. https://dor.ogr/10.1080/15568318.2020.1780652, IF:3.929
  • 19. Gu, T., Kim, I., & Currie, G. (2020). The two-wheeled renaissance in China—an empirical review of bicycle, E-bike, and motorbike development. International Journal ofmSustainable Transportation. https://dor.ogr/10.1080/15568318.2020.1737277 , IF:3.929
  • 20. An, K., Jing, W., & Kim, I. (2019). Battery-swapping facility planning for electric buses with local charging systems. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 1-13.IF:3.929
  • 21. Huang, K., Liu, Z., Zhu, T., Kim, I., & An, K. (2019). Analysis of the acceptance of park-and-ride by users: A cumulative logistic regression approach. Journal of Transport and Land Use, 12(1). IF:2.255
  • 22. Tahmasbi, B., Mansourianfar, M. H., Haghshenas, H., & Kim, I. (2019). Multimodal accessibility-based equity assessment of urban public facilities distribution. Sustainable Cities and Society, 49, 101633. IF: 7.587
  • 23. Gu, T., Kim, I., & Currie, G. (2019a). Measuring immediate impacts of a new mass transit system on an existing bike-share system in China. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 124, 20-39., IF:5.594
  • 24. Gu, T., Kim, I., & Currie, G. (2019b). To be or not to be dockless: Empirical analysis of dockless bikeshare development in China. Transportation Research Part A: Policy andmPractice, 119, 122-147. , IF:5.594
  • 25. Nguyen-Phuoc, D. Q., Tran, A. T. P., De Gruyter, C., Kim, I., & Su, D. N. (2019). Turn signal use among car drivers and motorcyclists at intersections: a case study of Da Nang,Vietnam. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 128, 25-31.IF:4.993
  • 26. Shaaban, K., Gharraie, I., Sacchi, E., & Kim, I. (2019). Severity analysis of red-light-running-related crashes using structural equation modeling. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 1-20. https://dor.ogr/10.1080/19439962.2019.1629137. IF:3.000
  • 27. Huang, K., Liu, Z., Kim, I., Zhang, Y., & Zhu, T. (2019). Analysis of the Influencing Factors of Carpooling Schemes. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 11(3), 200-208. https://dor.ogr/10.1109/MITS.2019.2919550 . IF:3.419
  • 28. Chen, X., & Kim, I. (2018). Modelling Rail-Based Park and Ride with Environmental Constraints in a Multimodal Transport Network. Journal of Advanced Transportation,2018. IF:2.419
  • 29. Nguyen-Phuoc, D. Q., Currie, G., De Gruyter, C., Kim, I., & Young, W. (2018). Modelling the net traffic congestion impact of bus operations in Melbourne. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 117, 1-12. IF:5.594
  • 30. Liu, Z., Chen, X., Meng, Q., & Kim, I. (2018). Remote park-and-ride network equilibrium model and its applications. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 117, 37-62.IF:5.596
  • 31. Jia, R., Khadka, A., & Kim, I. (2018). Traffic crash analysis with point-of-interest spatial clustering. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 121, 223-230. IF:4.993
  • 32. Jing, W., Ramezani, M., An, K., & Kim, I. (2018). Congestion patterns of electric vehicles with limited battery capacity. PloS one, 13(3), e0194354. IF:3.240
  • 33. Jing, W., An, K., Ramezani, M., & Kim, I. (2017). Location design of electric vehicle charging facilities: A path-distance constrained stochastic user equilibrium approach. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2017. IF:2.419
  • 34. Shaaban, K., & Kim, I. (2016a). The influence of bus service satisfaction on university students' mode choice. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 50(6), 935-948. IF:2.419
  • 35. Shaaban, K., & Kim, I. (2016b). Assessment of the taxi service in Doha. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 88, 223-235. IF:5.594
  • 36. Jing, W., Yan, Y., Kim, I., & Sarvi, M. (2016). Electric vehicles: A review of network modelling and future research needs. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 8(1),1687814015627981. IF:1.316
  • 37. Larue, G. S., Kim, I., Rakotonirainy, A., Haworth, N. L., & Ferreira, L. (2015). Driver’s behavioural changes with new intelligent transport system interventions at railway level crossings—A driving simulator study. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 81, 74-85. IF:4.993
  • 38. Kim, I., Larue, G. S., Ferreira, L., Rakotonirainy, A., & Shaaban, K. (2015). Traffic safety at Inhi Kim Page 13 of 14 road–rail level crossings using a driving simulator and traffic simulation. Transportation research record, 2476(1), 109-118.IF:1.560
  • 39. Kabit, M. R. b., Charles, P., Ferreira, L., & Kim, I. (2014). Modelling major traffic incident impacts and estimation of their associated costs. Transportation planning and technology, 37(4), 373-390. IF:1.278
  • 40. Kim, I., Galiza, R., & Ferreira, L. (2013). Modeling pedestrian queuing using micro-simulation. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 49, 232-240. IF:5.594
  • 41. Kim, I., Ferreira, L., Tey, L. S., & Wallis, G. (2013). Integration of driving simulator and traffic simulation to analyse behaviour at railway crossings. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of rail and rapid transit, 227(5), 427-438. IF:2.359
  • 42. Tey, L.-S., Kim, I., & Ferreira, L. (2012). Evaluating safety at railway level crossings with microsimulation modeling. Transportation research record, 2298(1), 70-77. IF:1.560


Peer-Reviewed Non-SCI journals

  • 1. Xiao, D., Kim, I., Zheng, N. (2022). Recent advances in understanding the impact of built environment on traffic performance. Multimodal Transportation, 1(4), 100034.2. Jeong, J., Oh, T., Kim, I., (2021)
  • 2. Volume Delay Function Calibration Based on GPS Trajectory data, 39(4), 399-408, Journal of Korean Society of Transportation3. Jiang, W., Ma, Z., Kim, I., & Lee, S. (2020)
  • 3. Revealing Mobility Regularities in Urban Rail Systems. Procedia Computer Science, 170, 219-2264. Shaaban, K., Khan, M. A., Kim, I., & Hamila, R. (2020). Queue Discharge at Freeway On-Ramps Using Coordinated Operation of a Ramp Meter and an Upstream Traffic Signal.
    Procedia Computer Science. 170, 347-353.5. Wang, B., Shaaban, K., & Kim, I. (2019)
  • 4. Reveal the hidden layer via entity embedding in traffic prediction. Procedia Computer Science, 151, 163-170.6. Chen, X., Liu, Z., Hua, D., & Kim, I. (2017). A new model for rail-based park-and-ride with feeder bus services. Transportation Research Procedia, 21, 79-86.7. Song, C., Kim, I., & Xiang, Q. (2017)
  • 5. Evaluation of Large Signalized Intersection with New Pedestrians Twice Crossing. Procedia Computer Science, 109, 132-139.8. Jing, W., Kim, I., Ramezani, M., & Liu, Z. (2017)
  • 6. Stochastic traffic assignment of mixed electric vehicle and gasoline vehicle flow with path distance constraints. Transportation
    Research Procedia, 21, 65-78.9. Shaaban, K., & Kim, I. (2015)
  • 7. Comparison of SimTraffic and VISSIM microscopic traffic simulation tools in modeling roundabouts. Procedia Computer Science, 52, 43-50.10. Kim, I., Lee, S., (2014). A study on driver experience to railway crossings in driving simulator, 13(2), 57-67, The journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems.


 Peer-Reviewed International Conference Papers

  • 1. Kwon, D., Oh, T., Lee, C., Kim, I., Large Scale Multi-source Traffic Flow Forecasting BasedInhi Kim Page 14 of 14 on Attention Based Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks – LSTM, ITS World Congress 2022, LA, US, 2022
  • 2. Oh, T., Kim, I., Overtaking Maneuvers using Multi-Agent Systems on a Two-Lane Two-Way Road, ITS World Congress 2022, LA, US, 2022
  • 3. Yoo, Y., Kwon, D., Kim, I., An impact of vehicles in the platooning on the road network, ITS World Congress 2022, LA, US, 2022
  • 4. Park., H., Oh, T., Kim, I., Validation of Spatial Orientation Skill using Virtual Reality Treadmill, ITS World Congress 2022, LA, US, 2022
  • 5. Kwon, D., Park, H., Kim, I., Traffic Data Calibration Collected by RSE Detectors based on Deep Learning, The 14th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies(EASTS), 2021
  • 6. Yoo, Y., Kang, J., Park, S., Kim, I., Priority signal effect on S-BRT(Super Bus Rapid Transit),The 14th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies(EASTS), 2021
  • 7. Nourmohammadi, Z., Yoo, Y., Kim, I., Explore the Applicability of Machine Learning Method to Find Marine Causalities: A Case Study of Territorial Sea of South Korea, The 14th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies(EASTS).2021
  • 8. Xu, L., Oh, T., Hu, X., Kim, I., Explore the Applicability of Shared Streets with Virtual Reality Technology: A Case Study of Suzhou, China, TRB2021, Washington DC
  • 9. Wang Bo, Kim, I., Revealing Mobility Regularities in Urban Rail Systems, The 11th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT)
  • 10. Bo, W., Vu, H., and Kim, I., Short-Term Traffic Prediction Using A Spatial-Temporal CNN Model With Transfer Learning , TRB, 2020, Washington DC
  • 11. Dong Xiao, Tianqi Gu, Yuanqiu Bao, and Kim, I., Inferring The Optimal Number Of Dockless Shared Bike In A New Area By Applying The Gradient Boosting Decision Tree
    Model, TRB, 2020, Washington DC
  • 12. Taeho Oh, Yanping Xu, Zhibin Li, and Kim, I., The Use of Emerging Virtual Reality Technology in Road Safety Analysis: The Hook-Turn Case , TRB, 2020, Washington DC
  • 13. Chunliang Wu, Kim, I., Exploring the relationship between built environment and public sharing bike flow in Suzhou, China using geographically weighted regression model, TRB,2019, Washington DC
  • 14. Wenhua Jiang, Kim, I., Imputation of missing transfer passenger flow with self-measuring multi-task gaussian process, TRB, 2019, Washington DC
  • 15. Meina Zheng, Kim, I, An analysis of short-term available parking space forecasting method based on LSTM neural network, TRB, 2019, Washington DC
  • 16. Duy Nguyen-Phuoc, Kim, I, Turn signal use among car drivers and motorcyclists at intersections: a case study of Danang, Vietnam, TRB, 2019, Washington DC
  • 17. Khaled Sabban, Kim, I, User Satisfaction of the Road Network: A Structural EquationModel, TRB, 2019, Washington DC
  • 18. Wu, C., Kim, I., Liu, Z., Exploring Human Mobility Pattern Using Complex Network Theory and Spatial Econometric Model, HKSTS 2018
  • 19. Xinyuan Chen, Zhiyuan Liu and Kim, I., Parallel computing for user equilibrium problem Inhi Kim Page 15 of 14 in a cluster with integrated computing resources, HKSTS 2018
  • 20. Xu, X., Liu, Z., Kim, I.,Optimal Sitting and Sizing of the Remote Park-and-Ride Scheme in the Multimodal Transport Network, TRB 2018
  • 21. Song, C., Bao, Y., Gu, T., Kim, I. Perspectives of opening a gated community and its effect, CICTP 2017, Shanghai, China
  • 22. Xu, X., Lin, H., Liu, Z., Kim, I., Understanding road rage: Insights from a synthesis of research, CICTP 2017, Shanghai, China
  • 23. Zhu, S., Kim, I., Zhao, Q., Song, G., Yu, L., Analysis of Vehicle Stop-And-Go Driving Behaviors at Signalized Intersections, CICTP 2017, Shanghai, China
  • 24. Chen, X., Liu, Z., Kim, I., Cheng, Q., Chen, Z., Modelling asymmetric and non-additive P&R schemes, CICTP 2017, Shanghai, China
  • 25. Wu, C., Shao, Y., An, K., Kim, I., Analysis of Public Bicycle Sharing Network based on Complex Network Theory, CICTP 2017, Shanghai, China
  • 26. Wang, B., Hua, L., Kim, I., Social media application for illegal parking problem, CICTP 2017, Shanghai, China
  • 27. Cao, X., Young, W., Sarvi, M., Kim, I. A Study of Lane Change Behavior of Heavy Vehicle and Passenger Car on the Influence of Conflict, TRB 2017
  • 28. ZHU, S., Kim, I., & FERREIRA, L Analysis of Vehicle-Specific Power Distribution of Stop-and-Go Behaviors at Signalized Intersections, TRB 2017
  • 29. SHABBAN, K. & Kim, I.,. Using Structural Equation Modeling to Understand Red Light Running Related Crashes, TRB 2017
  • 30. Cao, X., Young, W., Kim, I., A study of mandatory lane-changing execution behaviour model considering conflicts, ATRF 2016
  • 31. Jing ,W, Liu, Z, Kim, I., and Mohsen Ramezani, Stochastic Traffic Assignment of Electric Vehicle with Path Distance, ISTS&IWTDCS’ , Jeju, Korea 2016
  • 32. Liu,Z., Chen,X. and Kim, I., Title : A New Model for Rail-Based Park-And-Ride with Feeder Bus Services, ISTS&IWTDCS’ Jeju, Korea 2016
  • 33. Han, J., Kim, T., Lee, S., Kim, I., Frame signal control based on traffic condition using estimated data in Korea, 23 rd ITS World Congress, Melbourne, Australia 2016
  • 34. Rose, G., Kim, I., Jones, T., An ITS application to predict urban railway level crossing closure times, 23 rd ITS World Congress, Melbourne, Australia 2016
  • 35. Cao, X., Young, W., Sarvi, M., Kim, I., a study of mandatory lane-changing execution behaviour model for heavy vehicles and passenger cars. Trasnportation Research Board 2016. Washington DC
  • 36. Kim, I., LARUE, G. S., FERREIRA, L., RAKOTONIRAINY, A. &. SHABBAN, K. 2014. Traffic Safety at Road-Rail Level Crossings Using a Driving Simulator and Traffic Simulation. Trasnportation Research Board 2015. Washington DC
  • 37. SHABBAN, K. & Kim, I., 2015. Comparison of SimTraffic and Vissim Microscopic Traffic Simulation Tools in Modeling Roundabouts ANT 2015. Greenwich, UK
  • 38. Kim, I. & KANG, H. A Study of Delay-Based Level of Service on Pedestrian Facility. 36th Australasian Transport Research Forum, 2013 Brisbane.
  • 39. Kim, I., LARUE, G. S., FERREIRA, L., TAVASSOLI, A. & RAKOTONIRAINY, A. Evaluating ITS Inhi Kim Page 16 of 14 interventions at railway level crossings using a driving simulator. 36th Australasian Transport Research Forum, 2013 Brisbane.
  • 40. LARUE, G. S., Kim, I., RAKOTONIRAINY, A. & FERREIRA, L. Integrating driving and traffic simulator to study railway level crossing safety interventions – A methodology.COMPRAIL 2012 New Forest, UK.
  • 41. TEY, L. S., Kim, I. & FERREIRA, L. Evaluating Safety at Railway Level Crossings using Micro-simulation Modelling. Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting, 2012 Washington, D.C.
  • 42. GALIZA, R. Kim, I., FERREIRA, L. & Laufer, J. Modelling Pedestrian Circulation in Rail Transit Stations Using Micro-Simulation. 2009 Auckland, New Zealand


  • 2022.06 2022 32th Science and Technology Excellence Paper Award “VDF calibration based on GPS trajectory data” Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies Corresponding author
  • 2022.06 2022 Best Undergraduate Special Session-Grand Prize 1 The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • 2022.06 2022 Best Paper Award, Annual Meetings of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transportation Systems 1 The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • 2022.05 2022 Best Paper Award, Annual Meetings of Korea Society of Transportation 3 Korea Society of Transportation
  • 2022.05 Outstanding Researcher Award Kongju National University
  • 2021.05 2021 Best Paper Award, Annual Meetings of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transportation Systems 1 The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • 2022.04 Academic award of the year 2022 for the paper by Korea Society of Transportation; “VDF calibration based on GPS trajectory data” Korea Society of Transportation Corresponding author
  • 2021.11 2021 Best Paper Award, Annual Meetings of Korea Society of Transportation 3 Korea Society of Transportation
  • 2021.10 2021 Best Paper Award, Annual Meetings of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transportation Systems 1 The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • 2021.08 2021 Ocean and Fisheries Big Data Analysis Contest Minister of Oceans and Fisheries Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries Supervisor
  • 2021.08 2021 Ocean and Fisheries Big Data Analysis Contest CEO of Ship Safety Technology Authority Ship Safety Technology Authority Supervisor
  • 2020.12 2020 Best Paper Award, Annual Meetings of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transportation Systems 1 The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • 2020.12 Outstanding Educator Award Kongju National University
  • 2020.11 2020 Best Paper Award, Annual Meetings of Korea Society of Transportation 1 Korea Society of Transportation
  • 2020.07 2020 Big Data Analysis and Idea Contest Grand Prize Daejeon city Supervisor
  • 2016.07 Best Class Award, Jiangsu Province, China Jiangsu Province


2023 Fall: MO814/ Special Topics on Intelligent Transportation Systems<Mobility in Metaverse>

2023 Spring: MO814/ Special Topics on Intelligent Transportation System<Advanced Transportation Modelling>


Dr. Jinwon Yoon

Post Doc

Dr. Kyeunghoon Cheon

Post Doc


Post Doc

Dr. Dong Xiao

Research fellow, Monash University

Donghyun Kwon

PhD student

Younghi Liu

PhD student

Mahdi B. Khorasani

PhD student

HyunChul Park

PhD student

Jaeeun Jung

Master student

Yeji Yoo


Jaehyuck Lim

Master student

Songmi Paek

Master student

Eric Min Kim

Master student

Wonjae Jang



PhD student

Former Students

Dr Chunliang Wu

Assistant Professor

Traffic Signal Optimization Using Reinforcement Machine Learning Approach

Dr. Cao

Senior Evaluation Officer VicRoads Australia

Dr. Jing

Chief Operating Officer HyperPay

Dr. Xinayun Chen

Assistant professor Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Dr. Huang Kai

Assistant professor Southeast University

Dr. Tianqi Gu

Chief Engineer CCDI

Dr. Jiang

Research fellow University of Edinburgh

Dr. Wang

POST DOC University of Melbourne

Zahra Nourmohammadi