Introducing CA (Counseling Assistants) of Cho Chun Shik Mobility Graduate School


Cho Chun Shik Graduate School of Mobility operates a CA system to provide career and academic assistance to students, so interested students should refer to it.

Main activities
* CA is a program that provides counseling on academics, school life, and career paths for graduate students.
* This program is run by the department’s Counseling Assistant (CA), who shares advice and opinions as someone who has had or experienced the same concerns.
* No matter how small or big your question is, you can feel free to ask CA at any time.

About CA
* Jongseok Kim
– Research fields: power electronics, control, motors
– Counseling areas: career, academics, interpersonal relationships, dating, finances, etc.
– Email:

* Sunmyung Lee
– Research field: Deep learning, computer vision
– Counseling areas: career, academics, interpersonal relationships, etc.
– Email:

Students who wish to have online/offline consultation with CA can contact CA via KakaoTalk or email.